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Article: "vseznak.ru/upload/resizer2/14/602/60290390dcd42e95d69a209d4a7ea736.jpg"

The image provided above seems to be the main focus of this article. Unfortunately, without any accompanying text or information, it is difficult to understand the context or purpose of the image.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language used to format and stylize text. It allows for easy structuring and organizing of content, enabling readers to navigate through the article more effectively. However, it is primarily used for creating text-based documents rather than incorporating images.

To properly utilize markdown for an article, it would be beneficial to include relevant text content, headings, subheadings, and formatting elements. This would help to convey a clear message or provide valuable information to the readers.

Please provide more details or context for the article, and I'll be happy to assist you in creating a markdown-formatted article.